Registration is now open for 2025!

We encourage you to sign up for our monthly newsletter to keep up to date when we open the competition for 2025.

Steps to Compete in Startup Prize: Focus on Health

  • Register your medical or health-related startup.
  • Select a track for your startup:
    • FDA Track: Requires FDA Approval to get to market or
    • Non-FDA Track: Does not require FDA Approval.
  • Select the Qualifying Events you will attend.
  • Complete your Canvas in the Entrepreneur Portal. Please note, your Canvas does not need to be completed prior to attending a Qualifying Event.
  • Submit your Entrepreneur Portal by 11:59pm CT on Friday, June 30, 2025.

Register for Startup Prize 2025: Focus on Health

Complete the form below to register your startup for Startup Prize: Focus on Health 2025. 

Registration Reminders

  • To be eligible for competition, you must attend at least one of the Qualifying Events —
    • The online event is Friday & Saturday, May 9-10, 2025.
    • The In-Person event is Friday through Sunday, June 20-22, 2025 in Shreveport, LA.
    • You may attend just one event or both, but you must fully attend at least one qualifying event to be considered for the finals.
  • To attend the Online Qualifying Event (May 9-10), you must register no later than Friday, April 18, 2025.
  • To attend the In-Person Qualifying Event (June 20-22), you must register no later than Friday, May 30, 2025.
  • You may attend one or both Qualifying Events. Be sure to register prior to the registration deadline.
  • Be sure to select the appropriate track for your startup (FDA or non-FDA).

If you have any questions about the process, please contact Melissa Brannan at

First Last
Address 1
Address 2
Zip or Postal Code


Total: $0.00

This is your quick 1-2 sentence pitch. What problem are you trying to solve and how will you do it?

You have 100 words remaining.

Select all that apply.

You have 50 words remaining.

Please list the names and locations of any accelerators or incubators you've been part of. Please indicate any current affiliations.

You have 250 words remaining.

Valuations? IP? FDA Clearance? Marketing and branding? Customer discovery? Navigating the payer system? What are the current challenges your startup is facing that we can help you with? (Feel free to use bullet points)

Which best describes your gender identity?

Which bests describes your race or ethnicity?


Startup Prize will send out occasional surveys to get feedback on the competition experience and impact of the competition. We ask for your participation in completing as we use these metrics to improve our program and for foundational grant funding.


We would share your name, company name and email address.

We will provide more information as we get closer to the online qualifying event. We are often able to provide hotel and a small stipend to offest travel costs. This typically involves filling out a small application which we will provide.
